Does a WordPress website load slower if I upload big image sizes, even if they are downscaled?

General Chicken answers a question from Quora.

General Chicken answers a question from Quora.

Read John Dee's answer to Does a WordPress website load slower if I upload big image sizes, even if they are downscaled? on Quora

What is common and different between Behavior Driven Development [BDD] & integration testing?

General Chicken answers a question from Quora.

General Chicken answers a question from Quora.

Read John Dee's answer to What is common and different between Behavior Driven Development [BDD] & integration testing? on Quora

What 100% free WordPress theme, is specifically designed for posting code? [i.e. code highlighting, HTML char escaping etc.]?

General Chicken answers a question from Quora.

General Chicken answers a question from Quora.

Read John Dee's answer to What 100% free WordPress theme, is specifically designed for posting code? [i.e. code highlighting, HTML char escaping etc.]? on Quora

Behavior Driven Development from the Business Stakeholder’s Point of View

BDD is the best way to communicate business requirements from stakeholders to developers. General Chicken explains what BDD is from a business POV.